
What Minerals Or Nutrients Help Repair Nerve Damage

vitamins minerals for peripheral neuropathy

Summit Vitamins and Minerals | Vitamin B | Vitamin D | Vitamin E | Vitamin K | Folic Acrid | Benfotiamine | Magnesium | Iron | Copper | Zinc | Precautions | Decision

Nutritional deficiencies can either cause or worsen peripheral neuropathy. Deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals increase nerve impairment and nerve hurting.

Micronutrients though required in trace amounts play a vital role in maintaining various biological actions in the body. They serve equally raw materials for enzymatic action, participate in jail cell signalling, assist maintain os tissue and so on.

Vitamins and minerals aid in neuropathy treatment by participating in maintaining nervus structure and function. Hence their depletion leads to impaired nerve function and nervus hurting.

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition involving nerve harm and presents with severe nerve pain. It has diverse causes including vitamin and mineral deficiencies and limited treatment options.

Nerve pain tin nowadays every bit burning hurting, tingling, pins and needle sensations, sensitivity to touch or cold or hot temperatures. This pain is commonly experienced in the extremities- hands and feet.

Poor diet is not the only reason for food deficiencies and associated neuropathy; certain health conditions or medications may deplete the nutrients from our trunk.

This post goes over the various vitamin and minerals that tin help back up nerve repair and restore nervus function in neuropathy and nerve pain.

x Enquiry-Backed Vitamins & Minerals For Neuropathy & Nerve Hurting

Hither is a listing of x research-backed vitamins and minerals that can help reduce symptoms of neuropathy and neuropathic hurting.

1. Vitamin B complex

Vitamin B deficiency tin can crusade neuropathy and nervus pain. These vitamins are support nerve structure, neurite formation, myelin sheath germination and aid in salubrious nerve function.

Supplementing with vitamin B is institute to lower nerve pain and reduce neuropathy symptoms.

A study published in the International Periodical Of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009 demonstrated that vitamin B12 supplementation is equally effective as nortriptyline, a tricyclic antidepressant, for providing hurting relief in neuropathy.

A significant reduction in pain, pins and needles sensation and tingling sensation was observed.

Vitamin B complex supplements are proven to relieve nervus pain. They also increase the therapeutic upshot of conventional medicines prescribed for neuropathic hurting such as gabapentin.

Supplementation with B vitamins such as B12, B1, B6 helps in diabetic neuropathy treatment. The vitamins lower neuropathy pain and restore nerve structure and function.

Vitamin B may also be useful for treating neuropathy caused past chemotherapy. A mini-review study published in Current Oncology Reports, 2022 suggests that Vitamin B circuitous can assist prevent chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy.

The dose of vitamin B complex for peripheral neuropathy handling is dependent on the severity and nature of the condition. (Read more about the dosage in my post-Proven Benefits of Vitamin B Complex For Neuropathy)

B complex vitamins are safe if taken in recommended dosages. For instance, vitamin B6 at loftier doses or in excess can crusade toxicity and even neuropathy.

Dietary sources of B complex vitamins: whole grain foods, poultry, lean meats, seafood, basics, soy foods, leafy greens, milk, eggs and meat products.

Quick Gist: Vitamin B circuitous play an important role in maintaining nerve construction and part. In case of deficiencies, supplementation with B circuitous helps relieve nerve pain in peripheral neuropathy.

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two. Vitamin D

Many patients with neuropathy tend to have Vitamin D deficiency. In case of deficiency, vitamin D supplementation may help relieve nervus pain and improve quality of life in patients with neuropathy.

It is involved in myelin sheath formation and can regulate hurting signals.

Vitamin D can help relieve pain in neuropathy caused by diabetes.  In his case report, Dr. Bell described that correcting Vitamin D deficiency helped opposite severe symptoms of neuropathy in a patient with type one diabetes.

Vitamin D relieves neuropathic pain. A study published in Arch Intern Med. 2008 highlighted the role of vitamin D equally an analgesic or painkiller in diabetic neuropathy.

51 patients with blazon 2 diabetes and neuropathic pain were enrolled in the study. The pain was described every bit burning hurting, tingling and throbbing sensations and reduce the sensation of touch was observed.

They were treated with cholecalciferol tablets (average dose of 2059 IU) for 3 months. Plasma calcitriol levels resumed to normal after supplementation and significant pain relief (about 48% reduction in neuropathy pain score) was observed.

Vitamin D may also help forestall chemotherapy-induced neuropathy. Grim and colleagues have noted that Vitamin D deficiency may increase the risk of developing chemotherapy-induced polyneuropathy. Its supplementation may offering neuroprotection. (Nutrients, 2022)

While lifestyle changes can help rectify Vitamin D insufficiency, Vitamin D3 dietary supplements may be necessary in example of severe deficiency.

The dosage of vitamin D3 is dependent on the patient's serum Vit D levels. (Read more nearly the dosage of Vitamin D for neuropathy in my post-Testify-Based Benefits Of Vitamin D For Neuropathy)

Sources of Vitamin D: Sunlight, Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, cod, fortified cereal and dairy products

Quick Gist: Vitamin D supplementation is considered to be necessary only in case of deficiency. It helps salvage hurting and other symptoms of peripheral neuropathy when administered at high doses.

The sunshine vitamin is essential for optimal nervus function and can regulate pain signals.

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3. Vitamin E

Neuropathy due to vitamin East deficiency is rare. However certain conditions involving malabsorption of dietary fat or genetic defects that affect vitamin E metabolism cause severe deficiency which may atomic number 82 to neuropathy, nerve pain or other neurological complications.

A few case reports have described that loftier dose vitamin Eastward supplementation for long periods (9 months-2 years) helps resolve symptoms of neuropathy and neurological complications resulting from Vitamin East deficiency.

Vitamin East supplements may likewise help in diabetic neuropathy. Rajanandh and colleagues showed that Vitamin E supplements, in addition to anti-diabetes medication and neuropathy medications (pregabalin), helped relieve oxidative stress and lowered nervus hurting in patients with diabetic neuropathy. (Pharmacological Reports, 2022)

As observed in about studies, the simply limitation with using vitamin East for peripheral neuropathy treatment is that loftier dose supplements have to be taken for a significantly long period ranging from i-2 years to observe whatever clinical benefits.

If you don't accept severe Vitamin Eastward deficiency, it would exist preferable to explore other natural treatments for neuropathy or changing your diet rather than supplementing with tocopherol.

It is best to opt for Vitamin E supplements merely in case of severe deficiency and when brash by your wellness practitioner. ( Read more about the dosage of Vitamin Due east for neuropathy in my detailed mail-Research-Based Benefits of Vitamin E For Neuropathy)

Dietary sources of Vitamin E: Almonds, spinach, sweet potato, avocado and sunflower seeds.

Quick Gist: Vitamin E deficiency-induced peripheral neuropathy may arise in disorders that involve malabsorption of fats or due to genetic deficits. In such a case, loftier dose Vitamin East supplementation can help salvage neuropathy symptoms.

High dose vitamin E supplementation is besides constitute to benefit in diabetic neuropathy, but more than research is required to confirm its effectiveness.

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4. Vitamin Grand

Vitamin Grand is a fat-soluble vitamin just like Vitamin A, D, E and it is involved in the blood clotting process. Recent inquiry shows that Vitamin M may assist in neuropathy by participating in sphingolipid metabolism which are fatty signalling molecules of the nervous system that protect nerve structure and alter nerve pain.

Vitamin K2 provides an anti-nociceptive effect and reduces neuropathic hurting in an animal model of diabetic neuropathy. (Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, 2001)

Few studies testify that vitamin Thou supplements are beneficial for diabetic neuropathy treatment. A preliminary written report by Kulkarni and colleagues showed that Vitamin K2-7 (MK-7) supplementation reduced symptoms of diabetic neuropathy and Vitamin-B12 deficiency induced neuropathy in humans. (The Indian Practitioner, 2022)

30 patients with peripheral neuropathy and diabetes or vitamin B12 deficient anaemia were enrolled in the study. They were assigned to two groups:

  • Moderate pain: Pain score of half dozen to 8 points
  • Astringent hurting: Hurting score of 8 to nine points

The patients with Vitamin B12 deficiency were kickoff treated with B12 supplements. 10 out of 23 patients yet showed residuum symptoms of neuropathy such as burning hurting, tingling and numbness.

The patients were and then treated with 100mcg Vitamin K2-7 capsules twice a day for eight weeks. The supplements were provided by Viridis BioPharma Pvt. Ltd.

Information technology may be important to notation that three authors of the publication are associated with the visitor that provided vitamin K2 supplements.

At the end of the report, the hurting score in both groups reduced to 1 to ii points. The balance symptoms of neuropathy improved with vitamin K2-7 therapy. No side effects were observed.

One patient even experienced improvement in fatigue levels. His neuropathy symptoms such as tingling and numbness were resolved inside two weeks of vitamin K2-vii therapy.

The investigators commented that further research is required to confirm the effectiveness of vitamin K2 in peripheral neuropathy treatment.

A recent report published in the Periodical of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics, 2022 confirmed that treatment with 200mcg of Vitamin K2 supplements reduces symptoms of neuropathy such as tingling, numbness, weakness, fatigue and cramps in 8 weeks. These effects were persistent for 12 weeks (iv weeks after discontinuing vitamin K2 supplements).

Since there is very limited information available on this, please consult your medico before supplementing with Vitamin M. As well, if you are taking medications like claret thinners, taking excess Vitamin K may increment bleeding risk.

Dietary Sources of vitamin Thou: Light-green vegetables such as kale, parsley, broccoli, legumes, nuts, natto (fermented soybeans) and cooking oils similar olive oil

Quick Gist: Inquiry shows that Vitamin K2 supplementation relieves neuropathy symptoms in patients with diabetic neuropathy or those who take vitamin B12 deficiency induced anaemia.

It also relieves residual neuropathy symptoms that persist fifty-fifty after correcting the B12 deficiency. Further research is required to confirm the benefits of Vitamin K supplementation in peripheral neuropathy.

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5. Vitamin B9 or Folic Acid

Vitamin B9 or folate deficiency can cause peripheral neuropathy that more often than not affects sensory fretfulness. Enquiry studies and case reports take proven that folic acid supplementation improves peripheral neuropathy symptoms.

Folic acid or Vitamin B9 may salvage pain in neuropathy. A study published in Pain Direction, 2022 showed that treatment with folic acid, uridine monophosphate and vitamin B12 for neuropathy for ii months helped relieve nervus pain score past 8.7 points. 77.4% of the patients reduced or stopped the use of not-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications or painkillers.

Regular folic acid supplements assist almost of the population just some individuals may have certain genetic variations (MTHFR mutation) that go far difficult to metabolize regular folic acid. In such cases, 5-MTHF supplements tin can assist.

Yet, supplementing with folic acrid may not always help in neuropathy. If y'all are already consuming folate-fortified foods, boosted supplements may worsen wellness.

Certain genetic defects may increase the risk of developing neuropathy with increased folate intake. (The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2022)

More than research is required to understand the role of excess folate intake and neuropathy.

Please confirm with your health practitioner the utility and safety of folic acid supplements for neuropathy earlier initiating therapy.

Dietary sources of folate: Edamame, broccoli, spinach, asparagus, artichoke, beans, peas, liver of chicken, pork, beef, lamb

Quick Gist: Folate deficiency is associated with neurological complications, and some case studies have demonstrated that folic acid supplementation relieves neuropathy symptoms.

Contrastingly, some studies suggest that excess folate intake, in the presence of sure genetic variants, may increase the take a chance of developing peripheral neuropathy.

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6. Vitamin B1 or Benfotiamine

Benfotiamine is a derivative of vitamin B1 which is plant to take better bioavailability. It is a fat-soluble version of B1/thiamine which is h2o soluble. Research shows that Benfotiamine supplements reduce neuropathic pain, especially in diabetic neuropathy.

It protects for nerve wellness and provides pain relief by lower oxidative stress and inflammation.

High blood glucose levels trigger oxidative stress and produce toxic agents called advanced glycation terminate products that crusade nerve damage and neuropathy pain peculiarly in the hands and feet.

Benfotiamine or fat-soluble vitamin B1 benefits in diabetic neuropathy by modulating concentrations of avant-garde glycation end products (AGEs) that cause oxidative harm and complications in diabetes.

Treatment with benfotiamine (300mg or 600mg per twenty-four hour period) for six weeks in patients with diabetic polyneuropathy is constitute to reduce neuropathy symptoms predominantly nerve pain. (Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes, 2008)

Benfotiamine, lonely or in combination with B complex, is found to relieve neuropathic pain. (Read more about the dosage of Benfotiamine for Neuropathy in my detailed mail service-Proven Benefits of Benfotiamine For Neuropathy)

Quick Gist:  Benfotiamine is a derivative of vitamin B1 that helps relieve oxidative stress and reduces nerve impairment and hurting in peripheral neuropathy.

Few studies have reported that benfotiamine at a dose of 300-400mg per day helps relieve nerve pain in diabetic neuropathy. Further inquiry is required to confirm its effectiveness in non-diabetic peripheral neuropathies.

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7. Magnesium

Magnesium deficiency may lead to increased neuropathic pain and nerve damage in neuropathy. Its deficiency may take neurological complications such every bit demyelination of nerve fibres and may even result in mood disorders.

The mineral as well serves as a natural painkiller, eliminates pain in neuropathy and can help support nervus regeneration and repair in neuropathy.

A report published in Magnesium Research, 2004 revealed that magnesium supplementation, in instance of chronic deficiency, halts peripheral neuropathy progression in blazon 1 diabetes patients.

Magnesium also serves as one of the minerals or micronutrients that tin can protect from neuropathy caused by chemotherapy. Higher dietary intake of magnesium may be associated with reduced prevalence and decreased the severity of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in colorectal cancer patients.

Intravenous magnesium sulphate is proven to be as effective as ketamine in reducing nerve pain in shingles or postherpetic neuralgia.

Even topical application of magnesium oil or use of Epsom salts reduces nerve pain and neuropathy in hands and feet.

Human foot soaks or bath with Epsom salts tin can be used as home remedies for nerve hurting in the extremities (hands and feet).

Apart from relieving pain, magnesium may help protect mental health and ameliorate sleep in patients experiencing neuropathy pain. (Read about the dosage of Magnesium for neuropathy in my detailed post Can Magnesium Help In Peripheral Neuropathy?)

Dietary sources of Magnesium: Nuts such as Brazil nuts, dark chocolate, seeds like pumpkin seeds, legumes

Quick Gist: Magnesium is essential for optimal nerve function. It supports nerve regeneration and helps salvage pain. Rectifying magnesium deficiency in patients with peripheral neuropathy tin help relieve symptoms such as burning pain and tingling.

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viii. Fe

Enquiry shows that both- excess of iron and atomic number 26 deficiency can hamper nerve function and cause peripheral neuropathy.

There is very little data assessing the role of this mineral in the function of the peripheral nervous organization. It is involved in oxygen transport, the formation of the myelin sheath (the insulating coating surrounding nerve cells), DNA synthesis and repair and formation of elements of brain chemistry.

Backlog iron can worsen oxidative stress acquired by high blood sugar levels in diabetes and thus contribute to the evolution of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. (Neural Regeneration Inquiry, 2022)

Interestingly, Baum et al. have demonstrated that dietary fe deficiency combined with inflammation worsens neuropathy in diabetes. (Metabolism, 2022)

A report published in PLoS Ane, 2022 reported that variations in genes dealing with iron metabolism and transport are associated with increased neuropathic pain in HIV associated peripheral neuropathy.

The prevalence of peripheral neuropathy and neuropathic pain, in the form of burning pain, numbness, pins and needle and sensitivity to heat and cold, in sickle cell disease has been documented.

Ane study in children with iron deficiency anaemia has demonstrated that treatment with oral iron therapy for three month reverses peripheral neuropathy and improves nerve function.

The potential function of fe supplementation in unique cases of peripheral neuropathy must be investigated further.

Delight do not supplement with fe for peripheral neuropathy unless you are diagnosed with iron deficiency or advised the same by your doctor.

Dietary Sources of Iron: Meat, poultry, fish, oysters, spinach, pumpkin seeds, legumes and lentils

Quick Gist: Iron deficiency or excess may contribute to peripheral neuropathy especially in diabetes. Iron therapy may reverse peripheral neuropathy occurring equally a outcome of iron deficiency anaemia.

9. Copper

A normal diet provides around 1-5 mg copper daily that suffices our daily requirements. The two most common manifestations of copper deficiency are hypochromic anaemia and developed-onset peripheral neuropathy.

Copper deficiency may ascend equally a result of malabsorption which can occur as a consequence of bariatric surgery or gastrectomy or celiac affliction.

It is non articulate whether the copper deficiency is prevalent in all patients with celiac affliction and whether it contributes to celiac neuropathy.

A case report published in Neurology Republic of india, 2022 describes how supplementation with copper for ii months resolved neuropathy symptoms in a patient with acquired demyelinating neuropathy and a history of gastric surgery.

Individuals supplementing with zinc may also experience copper deficiency.

Genetic variations in copper transporting genes contribute to hereditary neuropathy and neurodegenerative conditions.

Delight practice not supplement with copper unless brash by your health practitioner.

Dietary sources of copper: Organ meats, Nuts such equally cashews, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, mushrooms

Quick Gist: Copper deficiency may exist prevalent in individuals who accept undergone gastric surgery, or are taking zinc supplements or in those who have disorders that lead to malabsorption of copper such equally celiac affliction.

This deficiency may manifest as peripheral neuropathy. Supplement with copper only if diagnosed with a deficiency and upon doctor'southward advice.

ten. Zinc

Interestingly zinc supplementation has been found to do good from peripheral neuropathy. A study in an animal model of diabetic neuropathy suggests that the mineral protects from nerve damage in diabetes by lowering oxidative stress.

Luo and colleagues have found that zinc supplementation may salvage neuropathic hurting in chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy past modulating the activity of TRPV1, an ion channel that regulates pain sensations. (Journal of Neuroscience, 2022)

Oral supplementation with zinc sulphate (600-660 mg per day) for six weeks is reported to reduce claret sugar levels and improve diabetic neuropathy.

Sprenger et al. reported that zinc therapy might serve as a targeted therapy for uremic polyneuropathy or neuropathy occurring as a result of reduced kidney office.

However, recommendations for zinc supplementation in such cases is dependent on the nutritional condition of each patient.

Zinc supplementation, if unmonitored, may contribute to a copper deficiency which in rare cases has been associated with peripheral neuropathy.

Dietary sources of zinc: Oyster, herring, poultry, eggs, milk and cheese

Quick Gist: Few studies take described that zinc supplementation in diabetes patients helps improve claret saccharide control and relieves diabetic neuropathy symptoms.

Zinc supplementation may but be necessary if diagnosed with a deficiency. Information technology is important to note that backlog zinc supplementation may contribute to a copper deficiency which can cause neurological complications.

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A few precautions must be kept in mind when supplementing with vitamins and minerals for neuropathy relief.

Supplement with vitamins/minerals only when diagnosed with deficiency or insufficiency or as brash by the doctor. Excess of vitamins also poses wellness risks. For example, backlog Vitamin B6 may cause neuropathy.

Opt for an absorbable form of the micronutrient. For example: For Vitamin D supplement, opt for cholecalciferol and non ergocalciferol supplement. In the case of MTHFR mutation, methylated B vitamins may assistance.

Place the right dose and treatment duration for your condition with the help of your doc. Vitamin deficiency may take to be treated with a different dose than vitamin insufficiency. Also excess tin can worsen health.

One may have to limit food intakes in sure health weather such as vitamin K to exist avoided when taking blood thinners; certain multi-nutrients are to be limited when diagnosed with kidney

Rule out the possibility of drug interactions with any multivitamins.

Avoid taking any herb shut to the time of taking minerals every bit many herbs have chelating backdrop. Maintain a 3-iv hour gap.


Choosing the right vitamin supplements and minerals may serve as a natural remedy for preventing and managing peripheral neuropathy symptoms.

They can help repair nerve damage and relieve nerve pain. Some may fifty-fifty improve the therapeutic outcomes of conventional therapy.

Deficiency of B complex vitamins is the well-nigh common cause of peripheral neuropathy in virtually cases. However other nutrients cannot be overlooked every bit well.

Please discuss the part of vitamins and minerals as a natural addition therapy for neuropathy with your medico.

If you lot have supplemented with any vitamin and mineral for neuropathy and nerve pain, then please share your experience and leave a comment below.

Article Resources

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Explore the research on essential vitamins and minerals that help relieve peripheral neuropathy symptoms and nerve pain naturally.

What Minerals Or Nutrients Help Repair Nerve Damage,


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